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申請加拿大學生簽證填寫 LOE/ Study Plan(附例子)

申請了好一陣子的加拿大 Study Permit 終於獲批了!這篇文章我一早寫好,想等到批了學證再再出較有說服力。寫 Letter of Explanation (LOE) / Study Plan 的時候,我前前後後作了三次才提交,由短改到長,再改回短的篇幅,有夠累的。綜合了我自己和網上的參考資料,現在一起來看看 LOE 要寫什麼內容。

❗請勿直接複製文章中的內容到 LOE,如被發現抄襲,你可能會被拒申請。內容僅供參考,不保證一定能申請成功。

Letter of Explanation (LOE) 解釋信




格式為一般書信,每個段落不用加上標題,像是Self Introduction, Study Plan, Financial Proof 等,這樣會過於正式。



1. 背景簡介


I have been admitted to the (課程) at (學校). Further to this, here you will find all the information detailing my plan to study in Canada. My career goal is to (讀完課程的工作目標) in Hong Kong.

2. 選擇加拿大的原因


When comparing (國家/地區) and Canada, I found that (Canada is a more affordable option with outstanding learning institutions/ 其它原因).

3. 選擇該課程的原因


(1-3個課程的特點) offered by the program help(s) me to stand out in the job market of (行業) in Hong Kong and reach my career goal.

I have chosen to take the (課程) at (學校) in Canada because it is not offered in Hong Kong.

The quality of the (課程) in my home town does not meet my level of expectation and will not enable me to gain a top‐quality international education because (原因).

4. 畢業後的打算


Since my family is in Hong Kong, I plan to return there on completion of the program to accompany my parents and to further develop my career.

5. 財力證明


I have a savings of (銀行存款金額) which is sufficient to cover the tuition fee and living expenses in Canada.

I am able to get sponsored from my parents for the entire program and living expenses in Canada.

6. 國際學生責任


I understand my responsibility as an international student and respect the terms listed on the study permit.

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